
Introduction of Office


本處室成立於2009年,主要目標為具體落實國際及兩岸學術交流與合作事項,專責辦理國際及兩岸地區學術機構簽署學術合作交流協定、接待來貴賓,配合學校推動國際及兩岸大專院校交流事務,以順應國際化學術交流趨勢,向頂尖一流大學邁進。未來與國際間各知名大學學術交流勢必往來密切,而大學間的師生學術交流、參訪等工作必將逐漸增多,且在邁向全球化的同時,國際學生及陸生的招募業務也會逐漸成長,因此,設立一個專責單位,處理上述的各項 工作,有其急迫性及必要性,辦理國際及兩岸合作交流相關企劃、執行、參訪、聯絡、與接待等業務,提升競爭力,朝向高等教育的國際化。

The division was founded in 2009, the main aim of the formation is to specifically fulfill academic exchanges & cooperation matters between international & cross-strait, conduct signing academic cooperation and agreement exchange, VIP & guest reception, cooperate with universities to promote international & cross-strait tertiary institution affairs in order to correspond internationalization tendency, and move forward to being a top notch university. Academic exchanges with international well-known university will be frequent in future, also academic exchanges and work such as visiting university will gradually increase. In the same time of moving towards globalization, the international & China student recruitment business will gradually grow. Therefore, we established an exclusive unit in charge to handle the tasks above, conduct cooperation related planning, implementation, visiting, communicating and reception, etc, and also improve competitive strength, to achieve higher educational missions.

主要業務 Primary Businesses

  • 規劃與擬訂本校之國際及兩岸學術交流政策 
  • Plan and implement the international and cross-strait academic exchange policy of our university
  • 國際及兩岸學術交流與合作事宜之聯繫、協調與執行
  • International and Cross-Strait academic exchanges and cooperation business, coordination and implementation
  • 國際及兩岸地區參訪活動及貴賓接待
  • International and cross-strait visiting activities and VIP reception
  • 辦理國際及兩岸交換與短期研修生業務
  • For international and cross-strait exchange and short-term trainee business
  • 提供國際學生及陸生之生活諮詢與輔導 協助校內各單位辦理國際及兩岸交流事宜
  • To provide international students with life advice and counseling and to help the school units for international and cross-strait exchanges