CUTe handles the recruitment of international students and does not commission any external institution, legal person, group, or individual to handle related matters except publicity and promotions, and to assist students coming to Taiwan undertake the necessary related procedures.
CUTe will also verify whether any commissioned party has collected any unreasonable fees from international students, established any loan relationship with any international student, or whether any other violation of related ordinances has occurred, and when necessary, CUTe may check details with international students who are applying for admission.
CUTe handles events related to the admission of international students or commissions an external institution, legal person, group, or individual to do so, and provides information that is consistent with the admission regulation, admission guidelines, or any related regulations.
International Students
Admissions Information
- 招生簡章 / Admission Guidelines
- 招生作業時程 / Admission Guidelines
- 秋季班(2024年9月入學) Fall semester (September 2024)
- 春季班(2025年2月入學) Spring semester (February 2025)
- 入學語言能力基準 / Language Proficiency Requirements
- 學士班(非全英學程)授課以中文為主,申請人應具備華語文能力,其華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)應達A2級(含)以上。
Bachelor degrees’program (Non-full English programs) will be taught in Chinese. Applicants should have Chinese proficiency level at least TOCFL A2 or above. - 企業管理雙學士學位學程申請人需具有CEFR B1(TOEIC 550、TOEFL 57)以上之英文能力,若英文能力在A2-B1之間者須額外增加英文輔導課程,但未達英文能力A2(TOEIC225)者則不予錄取。
Dual Bachelor Degree Program of Business Administration should have English language proficiency of at least CEFR B1 (TOEIC 550、TOEFL 57). Those with English proficiency between A2-B1 are required to take additional English courses, while those who have not achieved a proficiency level of A2 (TOEIC 225) will not be admitted. - 碩士班(非全英學程)授課以中文為主,申請人應具備華語文能力,其華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)應達B1級(含)以上。
Master degrees’program (Non-full English programs) will be taught in Chinese. Applicants should have Chinese proficiency level at least TOCFL B1 or above. - 財力證明基準 / Financial Statement Standards
- 由金融機構開立3,500美元或等同新臺幣10萬元之財力證明或獎學金證明。
Proof of USD 3,500 or equivalent to NTD 100,000 issued by a financial institution, or proof of scholarship.
日期 Application Timelines |
錄取公告及錄取通知 Admission Notification | |
第1梯次 First Application Decision |
2024 年 5 月 1 日 至 6 月 7 日 May 1 ~ June 7, 2024 |
2024 年 6 月 28 日 June 28, 2024 |
第2梯次 Second Application Decision | 2024 年 6 月 8 日 至 8 月 9 日 June 8 ~ August 9, 2024 | 2024 年 8 月 30 日 August 30, 2024 |
Application Timelines |
錄取公告及錄取通知 Admission Notification | |
第1梯次 First Application Decision |
2024 年 5 月 1 日 至 6 月 7 日 May 1 ~ June 7, 2024 |
2024 年 6 月 28 日 June 28, 2024 |
第2梯次 Second Application Decision | 2024 年 6 月 8 日 至 8 月 9 日 June 8 ~ August 9, 2024 | 2024 年 8 月 30 日 August 30, 2024 |
Admission List
- 113學年度外國學生秋季班(第1梯)錄取名單
- 入學時請攜帶下列資料 Required documents for Registration Office:
- 學歷證明文件正本:經我國駐外使領館、代表處、辦事處或其他經外交部授權機構(以下簡稱駐外館處)驗證之外國學校最高學歷或同等學力證明文件(中、英文以外之語文,應加附經公證之中文或英文譯本)。
- 歷年成績單:經駐外館處驗證之歷年成績單正本1份(中、英文以外之語文,應加附經公證之中文或英文譯本)
- 錄取生應依規定繳交學雜費辦理註冊手續,未依規定完成者,視同放棄入學資格。
Admission List for International Students Academic Year 2024 Fall Semester (First Stage)
Original certificate or diploma of the highest degree obtained abroad, or documentation of equivalent attainment: If these documents are in languages other than Chinese or English, a copy of either an English or Chinese translation should also be notarized and enclosed. Certificates or diplomas must be verified by an embassy, consulate, representative office, or other institutions (hereinafter referred to as the Taiwanese overseas embassies or consulates) authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C.
One photocopy of year-by-year grade transcript issued by the academic institution and verified by a Taiwanese overseas embassy or consulate.
Admitted students must pay tuition fees and go through the registration process as required. Failure to complete the process will be deemed as giving up the admission qualification.
編號 Number | 校區 Campus | 學位別 Degree | 申請系所 Dept./Inst. | 國籍 Nationality | 中文姓名 Chinese Name | 英文姓名 English Name | 錄取結果 Status |
01 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 室內設計系 Department of Interior Design | 日本 Japan | 長濱O香 | NAGAHAMA R. | 正取 Accepted |
02 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 企業管理系 Department of Business Administration | 越南 Vietnam | 陳O娥 | TRAN T. H. | 正取 Accepted |
03 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 企業管理系 Department of Business Administration | 越南 Vietnam | 范O香 | PHAM T. H. | 正取 Accepted |
04 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 企業管理系 Department of Business Administration | 越南 Vietnam | 阮O銀 | NGUYEN T. N. |
正取 Accepted |
05 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 企業管理系 Department of Business Administration | 越南 Vietnam | 武O祝 | VU T. C. | 正取 Accepted |
06 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 企業管理系 Department of Business Administration | 越南 Vietnam | 陳O甲 | TRAN N. G. | 正取 Accepted |
07 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 行銷與流通管理系 Department of Marketing And Logistics | 越南 Vietnam | 阮O花 | NGUYEN T. H. | 正取 Accepted |
08 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 行銷與流通管理系 Department of Marketing And Logistics | 越南 Vietnam | 梁O草 | LUONG T. T. | 正取 Accepted |
09 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 行銷與流通管理系 Department of Marketing And Logistics | 越南 Vietnam | 黃氏O玲 | HOANG THI K. L. | 正取 Accepted |
10 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 觀光與休閒事業管理系 Department of Tourism And Leisure Management | 越南 Vietnam | 阮O月 | NGUYEN T. N. | 正取 Accepted |
11 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 觀光與休閒事業管理系 Department of Tourism And Leisure Management | 越南 Vietnam | 段O水 | DOAN T. T. | 正取 Accepted |
12 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 觀光與休閒事業管理系 Department of Tourism And Leisure Management | 越南 Vietnam | 陳O榕 | TRAN T. D. | 正取 Accepted |
13 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 觀光與休閒事業管理系 Department of Tourism And Leisure Management | 越南 Vietnam | 阮O垂 | NGUYEN T. T. | 正取 Accepted |
14 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 觀光與休閒事業管理系 Department of Tourism And Leisure Management | 越南 Vietnam | 鄭O幸 | TRINH T. H. | 正取 Accepted |
15 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 觀光與休閒事業管理系 Department of Tourism And Leisure Management | 越南 Vietnam | 阮O頑 | NGUYEN T. N. | 正取 Accepted |
16 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 觀光與休閒事業管理系 Department of Tourism And Leisure Management | 越南 Vietnam | 阮O霜 | NGUYEN T. S. | 正取 Accepted |
17 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 觀光與休閒事業管理系 Department of Tourism And Leisure Management | 越 南 Vietnam | 陳冠泰 | TRAN Q. T. | 正取 Accepted |
18 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 觀光與休閒事業管理系 Department of Tourism And Leisure Management | 越 南 Vietnam | 楊O清 | DUONG T. T. | 正取 Accepted |
19 | 臺北 Taipei | 學士班 Bachelor | 觀光與休閒事業管理系 Department of Tourism And Leisure Management | 越 南 Vietnam | 陳O映 | TRAN N. A. | 正取 Accepted |
20 | 新竹 Hsinchu | 學士班 Bachelor | 視覺傳達設計系 Department of Visual Communication Design | 日本 Japan | 牛谷O奈O | USHITANI M. | 正取 Accepted |
21 | 新竹 Hsinchu | 學士班 Bachelor | 行銷與流通管理系 Department of Marketing And Logistics | 日本 Japan | 湯淺O希 | YUASA Y. | 正取 Accepted |
22 | 新竹 Hsinchu | 學士班 Bachelor | 觀光與休閒事業管理系 Department of Tourism And Leisure Management | 越 南 Vietnam | 張O秀 | TRUONG M. T. | 正取 Accepted |
23 | 臺北 Taipei | 碩士班 Master | 視覺傳達設計系碩士班 Graduate Institute of Visual Communication Design | 越 南 Vietnam | 劉O輝 | LUU T. H. | 正取 Accepted |
24 | 新竹 Hsinchu | 碩士班 Master | 企業管理系碩士班 Graduate Institute of Business Administration | 越 南 Vietnam | 黎世O明 | LE THE B. M. | 正取 Accepted |
25 | 新竹 Hsinchu | 碩士班 Master | 企業管理系碩士班 Graduate Institute of Business Administration | 越 南 Vietnam |
范阮O敏 |
Accepted |
Academic Programs & Language of Instruction
臺北校區 Taipei Campus | 新竹校區
Hsinchu Campus | |||||||
系所 Department | 學士班 Bachelor's Degree Program | 碩士班 Master's Degree Program | 學士班 Bachelor's Degree Program | 碩士班 Master's Degree Program | 授課語言 Language of Instruction | |||
建築系(含碩士班) Department/Graduate Institute of Architectural Design | ● | ● | 中文 Chinese | |||||
土木與防災系(含碩士班) Department/Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering and Hazard Mitigation | ● | ● | 中文 Chinese | |||||
室內設計系(含碩士班) Department/Graduate Institute of Interior Design | ● | ● | ● | 中文 Chinese | ||||
視覺傳達設計系(含碩士班) Department/Graduate Institute of Visual Communication Design |
● | ● | ● | 中文 Chinese |
數位多媒體設計系 Department of Digital Multimedia Design | ● | ● | 中文 Chinese | |||||
影視設計系 Department of Film and Video Production | ● | ● | 中文 Chinese | |||||
企業管理系(含碩士班) Department/Graduate Institute of Business Administration | ● | ● | 中文 Chinese | |||||
企業管理系航空暨運輸服務管理組系 Unit of Airlines and Transportation Services Management | ● | 中文 Chinese | ||||||
企業管理雙學士班學位學程 Dual Bachelor Degree Program of Business Administration | ● | 英文 English | ||||||
智慧商務經營管理系 Department of Intelligent Commerce Management | ● | 中文 Chinese | ||||||
財務金融系 Department of Finance | ● | 中文 Chinese | ||||||
行銷與流通管理系 Department of Marketing and Logistics | ● | ● | 中文 Chinese | |||||
應用英語系 Department of Applied English Studies | ● | 中文 Chinese | ||||||
觀光與休閒事業管理系 Department of Tourism and Leisure Management | ● | ● | 中文 Chinese | |||||
資訊管理系 Department of Information Management | ● | 中文 Chinese | ||||||
資訊工程系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering | ● | ● | 中文 Chinese |
Tuition and Miscellaneous Fee Refund Benchmark
- 學雜費收費標準 Standard for tuition and miscellaneous fees
- 宿舍費 Dormitory fees
- 其他收費標準 Standard for other fees
- 學雜費退費基準 Tuition Fee Refund Standards
※ 每學期之收費標準,一學年中含兩個學期。此頁面僅供參考,每學年之實際繳費標準須以本校會計室網站公告之最新資訊為主。
Tuition is billed each semester (one academic year consists of two semesters). This page is for reference only. Please refer to the latest information on the website of the Office of Accouniting for the actual fees for each academic year.
※ 所有費用為”新臺幣(NTD)”。The estimated numbers listed below are “NTD”.
系所 Degree Program | 學士班 Bachelor's Degree Program | 碩士班 Master's Degree Program |
建築系(含碩士班) Department/Graduate Institute of Architectural Design | 51,658 | 51,110 |
土木與防災系(含碩士班) Department/Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering and Hazard Mitigation | 51,658 | 51,110 |
室內設計系(含碩士班) Department/Graduate Institute of Interior Design | 51,658 | 51,110 |
視覺傳達設計系(含碩士班) Department/Graduate Institute of Visual Communication Design | 51,658 | 51,110 |
數位多媒體設計系 Department of Digital Multimedia Design | 51,658 | |
影視設計系 Department of Film and Video Production | 51,658 | |
企業管理系(含碩士班) Department/Graduate Institute of Business Administration | 45,025 | 44,517 |
企業管理系航空暨運輸服務管理組系 Unit of Airlines and Transportation Services Management | 45,025 | |
企業管理雙學士班學位學程 Dual Bachelor Degree Program of Business Administration | 100,000 | |
智慧商務經營管理系 Department of Intelligent Commerce Management | 45,025 | |
財務金融系 Department of Finance | 45,025 | |
行銷與流通管理系 Department of Marketing and Logistics | 45,025 | |
應用英語系 Department of Applied English Studies | 45,025 | |
觀光與休閒事業管理系 Department of Tourism and Leisure Management | 45,025 | |
資訊管理系 Department of Information Management | 45,025 | |
資訊工程系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering | 51,658 |
※ 所有費用為”新臺幣(NTD)”。The estimated numbers listed below are “NTD”.
校區 Campus |
女生宿舍 Female Dormitory |
男生宿舍 Male Dormitory |
臺北校區 Taipei Campus |
(每學期 one semester) |
新竹校區 Hsinchu Campus | 14,000
(每學期 one semester) | 14,000
(每學期 one semester) |
※ 所有費用為”新臺幣(NTD)”。The estimated numbers listed below are “NTD”.
項目 Items | 每學期 Per Semester |
電腦及網路通訊使用費 Computer Lab and Internet Usage Fee-電腦實習費 Computer Training Material Fees |
810 |
電腦及網路通訊使用費 Computer Lab and Internet Usage Fee-網路使用費 Internet fee
| 200 |
學生平安保險費 Student safety insurance | 330 |
學生活動費 Student activity fee | 300 |
境外學生醫療保險(入學後前六個月) International Student Medical Insurance (First six months of enrollment) | 3,000 |
全民健康保險(入學後連續居留滿六個月開始) National Health Insurance (continuously resided six months after enrollment) | 4,956 |
休、退學申請時程 Time of Leave of Absence or Withdrawal |
退費標準 Refund Standard |
本校上課開始日(不含當日)之前 Before the 1st day of CUTe classes (not including the 1st day of classes) |
免繳費,已繳費者全額退費 Exempt from payment, full refund of all fees for those who have already paid |
上課開始日後未逾學期1/3 Before the first 1/3 of the semester is completed, beginning from the 1st day of classes | 學雜費及其餘各項費用退還2/3 2/3 refund of tuition fees and other fees |
上課開始日後逾學期1/3,未逾2/3 After the first 1/3 but before 2/3 of the semester is completed, beginning from the 1st day of classes | 學雜費及其餘各項費用退還1/3 1/3 refund of tuition fees and other fees |
上課開始日後逾學期2/3 After 2/3 of the semester is completed, beginning from the 1st day of classes | 所繳各項費用均不退還 All fees paid are non-refundable |
Guidelines for the China University of Technology International Student Scholarship
International students are limited to non-native students with official student status studying at the Hsinchu campus or Taipei campus and have not established Bachelor's Program (Master's Program) at the Hsinchu campus,are eligible to apply for this scholarship.學士班 Bachelor's Program
※第1 學年( 2 學期) 每學期學雜費減免50%
50% reduction in tuition and fees for each semester in the first academic year (2 semesters).
※續領第2 - 4 學年度( 3 - 8 學期) 每學期學雜費減免50%
50% reduction in tuition and fees for each semester of renewal for the 2nd to 4th academic year (3rd to 8th semester).
(1) 前一學期學業成績總平均80分(含)以上或全班排名前30%。
The overall average academic score in the previous semester is 80 (inclusive) or above or ranked in the top 30% of the class.
(2) 入學第一學年至少須完成一學期華語證照輔導課程,缺曠課時數未達1/3。
Completed the 1-year Chinese license tutoring course and missed less than 1/3 of the class hours.
(3) 取得華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)B1(含) 以上。
Obtain Test of Chinese Language Proficiency (TOCFL) Level B1 (inclusive) or above.
碩士班 Master's Program
※第1 學期學雜費減免50%
50% reduction in tuition and fees for the first semester.
※續領第2 - 4 學期每學期學雜費減免5 0 %
50% reduction in tuition and fees for each semester of renewal for the 2nd to 4th academic year (3rd to 8th semester).
(1) 前一學期學業成績總平均85分(含)以上。
The overall average academic score in the previous semester is 80 (inclusive) or above or ranked in the top 30% of the class.
(2) 前一學期缺曠課時數未達該學期總時數1/6。
The number of missed hours in the previous semester did not reach 1/6 of the total hours in the semester.
(3) 取得華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)B2(含)以上。
Obtain Test of Chinese Language Proficiency (TOCFL) Level B2 (inclusive) or above.
Department Introduction
Our teaching objectives integrate design, art, creative aesthetics, and technology, placing equal emphasis on theory and practice. In response to the diverse needs of society, we utilize specialized classrooms to simulate practical environments, offering opportunities for off-campus learning. This approach enhances students' adaptability to the employment landscape by providing real-world experiences and practical skills in line with the demands of a multifaceted society.
The department aims to cultivate "architectural professionals with diverse integration and practical applications". The curriculum is structured into two major professional areas: "Architectural Engineering and Technological Practices" and "Architectural Planning and Design Practices". The emphasis is on the application of practical skills and theoretical knowledge, aligned with significant issues in the field of architecture. Specialized courses include Cultural Heritage Preservation, Urban Renewal, Environmental Planning, High-Tech Disaster Prevention, and Green Architecture.
本系培育理論與實務兼備的土木工程人才為目標。課 程規劃分為「土木工程」、「防災設計」、「BIM 與 3D 列印設計」,三大專業領域,教學內容涵蓋自動 化、數位化、專案管理、施工實務與專業外語能力。
The department aims to cultivate talents in civil engineering with a balanced blend of theory and practice. The curriculum is divided into three major professional areas: "Civil Engineering", "Disaster Prevention Design" and "BIM and 3D Printing Design". The instructional content covers automation, digitization, project management, construction practices, and proficiency in professional foreign languages.
The department aims to cultivate talents in the field of Interior Design. The special features of the curriculum are categorized into four main groups: 'Interior Space Planning and Design', 'Interior Decoration and Project Management', 'Spatial Display Art and Home Decoration' and 'Smart Living Spaces and Technology'. These courses are designed to meet the demands of the industry for skilled professionals.
Our department is built upon the foundations of design, aesthetics, and digital technology. The teaching features are categorized into three main curriculum groups: 'Visual Planning Design,' 'Digital Image Design,' and 'Crossover Cultural and Creative Design.' This is aimed at cultivating professionals with a blend of humanities and arts content along with expertise in the application of digital technology.
本系為培育數位娛樂產業人才重要基地,課程內容包含: 遊戲設計、電腦動畫、數位音樂、數位科技藝術創新應用等。導入元宇宙虛實整合科技(AR/VR/MR)、VTuber虛擬網紅直播、數位流行音樂創作與電競數位傳播等專業,另設計多個智慧創新跨領域微學程引領跨域多元學習。
The department serves as a crucial hub for nurturing talents in the digital entertainment industry. The curriculum includes Game Design, Computer Animation, Digital Music, and Innovative Applications of Digital Technology in Arts. It incorporates emerging technologies such as the Metaverse Cyber-Physical Technology Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, YouTuber, Virtual Influencer live stream, digital pop music composition, and esports digital communication. In addition, a variety of intelligent and innovative cross-domain micro-learning courses are designed to foster diverse learning experiences.
The department aims to cultivate individuals with a blend of humanistic and artistic literacy, coupled with communication technology skills and has media professionals in film, Internet, and multimedia production. The curriculum is divided into two professional areas: "Movie and TV Program Making" and "Planning and Scriptwriting."
The College of Management aims to cultivate talents proficient in effective service communication, intelligent service management, and project planning management applications. The focus is on international alignment, conducting professional practices in high-quality settings, and emphasizing communication skills in English and Japanese for the workplace.
The department aims to cultivate talents in business sales, business planning, and store management. The teaching features include the integration of professional theories and practical operations in five management domains, a focus on fostering creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial skills, an emphasis on team collaboration and workplace ethics, and the strengthening of an international perspective and diverse development.
The department aims to cultivate professionals in the aviation and transportation service industry with a focus on language proficiency. It emphasizes the development of talents with enthusiasm for service, dedication, and independent operational capabilities in the transportation industry. The curriculum is centered around cabin service and station service.
The department aims to cultivate talents in smart trade and smart business applications. The curriculum is divided into two major professional areas: "Smart Trade" and "Smart Business Operations." Through the process of "Courses → Training → Certification → Employment", we foster students' professional capabilities. The department offers a well-rounded learning environment, solid curriculum planning, comprehensive post-course guidance, and a dual-tutor system.
本系培育具有國際商業實務與專業英語能力的國際化企管雙學士班人才。課程規劃3年在中國科技大學,1年在美國Metropolitan State University (MSU)就讀,均採全英語教學,提升國際視野,並且加開英語證照輔導課程,強化聽說讀寫能力,協助同學通過TOEIC、TOEFL或IELTS等國際證照。畢業後取得兩校畢業證書。
The program aims to cultivate talents with international business practices and professional English proficiency in International Business Administration Dual Bachelor's Degree. The curriculum spans 3 years at China University of Technology and 1 year at Metropolitan State University (MSU) in the United States. All courses are conducted in English to enhance international perspectives. The program also includes additional English proficiency courses to support students in passing international exams such as TOEIC, TOEFL, or IELTS. Graduates receive diplomas from both universities.
Our department aims to cultivate professionals needed in the financial services industry and corporate financial departments. The teaching features are divided into two major course groups: "Wealth Management" and "Financial Institutions Management". This division is designed to nurture expertise in wealth management and practical operations in the financial industry. It emphasizes enhancing financial information utilization skills, proficiency in financial technology and data applications, improving practical operations and business capabilities, and strengthening cultural literacy and ethical concepts in the workplace.
本系以培養「具跨境及虛實整合能力之數位行銷 與智慧物流之專業人才」為目標,教學特色分為 「數位行銷與企劃」、「電商與流通管理」、「運 籌與物流管理」三大類課程群組,學生除可以依 興趣選擇特定領域深化專業職能外,亦可跨領域 培養多元職能。除專業知識、技能外,重視學生 品格、專業倫理、服務禮儀及語言能力。
Our department is dedicated to cultivating "professionals with cross-border and integrated digital marketing and smart logistics capabilities". The teaching features are categorized into three major course groups: "Digital Marketing Strategy", "E-commerce and Logistics Management", and "Transportation and Logistics Management". Students not only have the opportunity to deepen their professional skills in specific areas of interest but also to develop diverse competencies across different fields. In addition to imparting specialized knowledge and skills, we place importance on fostering students' character, professional ethics, service etiquette, and language proficiency.
Our department aims to cultivate language communication professionals with international perspectives and practical skills. In addition to training students in listening, speaking, reading, and writing language proficiency, the curriculum also emphasizes the development of students' computer and internet information application skills. The curriculum is divided into two major professional areas: 'Business Travel Communication' and 'Language Teaching'. This is designed to foster students into effective communicators with knowledge and information backgrounds in business and travel, or individuals engaged in the field of language teaching.
Our department is dedicated to cultivating mid-level managers and professionals in the tourism and leisure industry. The curriculum is divided into two major course groups: "Catering and Accommodation" and "Leisure Tourism". We emphasize student competitions, the enhancement of professional capabilities, domestic and international internships for students, industry-academia collaboration projects, and boast a faculty of experienced professionals along with well-equipped teaching facilities.
Our teaching features include the application of smart Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and big data technologies, as well as software development, APP and IoT security testing, and enterprise digitization. We emphasize practical application and foster collaboration with the industry. Through students' practical project training, we aim to enhance their organizational, analytical, and decision-making skills.
培養學生實作精神,結合理論、實務及整合能力,以培育中高階管理人才及技術工程師,課程規劃以「網路與系統管理」、「網站設計與系統開發」、「網路行銷與大數據應用」為核心,除此之外,納入物聯網 IoT、AI 人工智慧等課程。
Our program is designed to cultivate students with a practical mindset, integrating theory, practice, and holistic capabilities. The goal is to nurture mid-to-senior level management professionals and technical engineers. The curriculum focuses on "Network and System Management", "Website Design and System Development" and "Online Marketing and Big Data Applications". Additionally, courses on the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are incorporated.
規劃以「雲端大數據應用」及「物聯網整合技術」為核心,並分成四個學程 :「網路工程」、「人工智慧」、「物聯網技術」及「資訊安全」以培育數位化科技專業人才。
The program is centered around "Cloud Big Data Applications" and "Internet of Things (IoT) Integration Technology" and is divided into four specializations: "Network Engineering", "Artificial Intelligence", "IoT Technology", and "Information Security". This structure aims to cultivate professionals in digital technology.