2024.06.24 國際專修部

【簡章公告】2024年國際專修部(秋季班)申請入學招生簡章 2024 Admission Guidelines for International Foundation Program (Fall Semester)



2024 Admission Guidelines for International Foundation Program (Fall Semester)

本校辦理外國學生招生事務,除宣傳推廣及協助學生辦理來臺相關必要程序外,未委由校外機構、法人、團體或個人辦理;並適時確認其對外國學生是否收取不合理之費用、成立借貸關係或其他違反相關法令之情形,必要時得向申請之外國學生查核。 本校自行或委由校外機構、法人、團體或個人辦理宣傳外國學生招生相關事項,未提供與招生規定、招生簡章或相關規定不一致之資訊。CUTe handles the recruitment of international students and does not commission any external institution, legal person, group, or individual to handle related matters except publicity and promotions, and to assist students coming to Taiwan undertake the necessary related procedures. CUTe will also verify whether any commissioned party has collected any unreasonable fees from international students, established any loan relationship with any international student, or whether any other violation of related ordinances has occurred, and when necessary, CUTe may check details with international students who are applying for admission. CUTe handles events related to the admission of international students or commissions an external institution, legal person, group, or individual to do so, and provides information that is consistent with the admission regulation, admission guidelines, or any related regulations.